The long fabric is wrapping around the model while she is dancing with it. The final shot liberates her from the embrace with a forceful movement in which she is herself pulled off her feet. The liberating movement of such encompassing influences requires us to destabilize ourselves. Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh
Author Archives: PlastiqueTokyo
Keiko – Night fire
The dance with a long fabric requires the power and elegance of a professional dancer to avoid being tied into a knot or ending up as an unrecognizable mess. The focused lighting allows simulating the localized glow of a flame, giving the impression of warmth to the spectator. Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh
Keiko – The third woman
Taken from the movie “The Third Man” the title of the image copies the the exposure given through strong lights in a dark, bleak environment and the emotional impact of the visual effect despite the apparent strength of the model. Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh
Keiko – Finding light
The shot against light exposes the silhouette of the model as she exposes her outline towards the camera. It’s the challenge to convey movement, strength and elegance at the same time. Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh.
Keiko – Temptation
When exposing yourself in dance, eye contact with the spectator for the most sensual moment’s split-second enables to avoid aggressiveness at the benefit of allure and limits exposure the the moments where it really matters. Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh.
Keiko – Pull me out
Simple darkness envelops our mind more often than physical restraints. The challenge to escape this darkness is due to it’s seeming ease bigger than expected and more often than not the help of others to escape. This requires however an awareness where the light is and the other person to have exited the darkness as well – not to mention the willingness to rescue someone at the risk to be pulled in as well. Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh.
Keiko & Lulu – Pain Factory
Too often pain is not generated by apparent means but rather subtle accumulations of small effects. The institutionalization of those effects makes our environment often seem as a relentless attack of coordinated, planned and hand-made influences on our lives. A pain factory. Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh
Keiko – Apprehension
While the model tries to escape the light and perceives it as an invasion of her personality, she knows that without it her existence is not possible. She slowly opens her face to be exposed to the spotlight while trying to keep a protective cover at hand. Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh
Lulu – Breaking through
Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh
Keiko – Resignation
Shot @ Art Space 呼応co-oh